Health Advice
This page is to give advice and guidance to patients on how to manage their long-term conditions, how to deal with minor injury and illness that doesn't require treatment from a clinician and give patients advice on several topics.
Resources to Improve Unhealthy Behaviours
The pandemic has exacerbated the challenge of providing health and care services that can support people to manage their condition well enough to avoid significant disease progression and the development of serious complications. This is likely to result in large scale population-level morbidity, mortality, and healthcare utilisation. There is an opportunity to improve outcomes and reduce healthcare demand by focusing on, and enabling, effective prevention of illness at key encounters with primary care.
Weight Management Inteventions
Healthy Weight Healthy You - Healthy Weight Healthy You
Fitness Studio exercise videos - NHS
Webinars on Weight Management -
Lose weight - Better Health - NHS
Wales National Exercise Referral Scheme - Public Health Wales
Weight Management Service - Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Gro Health - Lose weight and take control of your health - Free digital weight loss tool
Alcohol Interventions
Alcohol and Sensible Drinking: Information and Advice
NHS 111 Wales - Living and Feeling Well : Alcohol
Drink less - Better Health - NHS
Direct Support - Gwent Drug and Alcohol Service
Smoking Interventions
Quitting Smoking (Smoking Cessation)
Help Me Quit | Stop Smoking Services In Wales
NHS community pharmacies are a great place for patients to receive stop smoking advice and support.